


九游会国际继续与知识分子正面交锋 以及当今的人类问题. 挑战是艰巨的,大学教授 和 students are tackling the issues through relevant research that translates into 现实世界的应用和学习机会.

USM is one of 146 universities included in the “R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research 活动” category by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher 教育. 这一类别包括从事最高水平研究的大学 活动.



The 研究副总裁 promotes 和 monitors scholarship within the university community 和 presides over all administrative proceedings relating to research, creative 活动及奖学金.

The 研究副总裁 promotes research, creative activities, 和 scholarship 在大学社区内提供各种服务,包括:


Serving as a liaison with research institutes, foundations, government agencies 和 行业.

Providing faculty support for travel to meetings with federal agency 程序 officers 在华盛顿特区和其他地方.


The 负责研究的副总统办公室 offers a grant 程序 for faculty to facilitate planning, writing 和 submitting extramural proposals to support research 以及学术活动. 该计划提供高达2000美元,可用于任何活动, travel expense or commodity that helps faculty prepare 和 submit extramural proposals.

Proposals to facilitate interdisciplinary efforts across departmental or college lines 被认为具有更高的优先级. 要求与其他学校的教师合作 还考虑了编制竞争性建议书的机构.

Proposal Development Grants provide $2,000 for a 12-month period (competitively renewable 最长24个月,收费4000美元). 受助人应准备并提交 one or more extramural, competitive grant proposals within the 12-month award period.


  • 拟议的活动
  • 发展资金将如何使用
  • 简单的预算
  • 参与提案制定的教员
  • 所有参与教师的项目隶属关系
  • 计划提案所针对的机构
  • 链接到相关的招标书或其他申请指南

Forward requests through the appropriate dean(s) to the Office of the Vice President 为研究. 提案可能会在春季进行审查,截止日期为4月15日. For more information, contact the 负责研究的副总统办公室 at 601.266.5116.

The 负责研究的副总统办公室 (VPR) supports faculty travel for meetings 与华盛顿特区和其他地方的联邦机构项目官员合作. 我们的目标 of the 程序 is to maximize faculty underst和ing of federal agency 程序s 和 了解联邦资助机会的细节. 和项目官员一起拜访 provide opportunities for faculty members to provide information about USM in general 为那些负责提供研究支持资金的人提供具体的项目.

与机构工作人员会面的差旅费申请应通过 研究发展旅游计划表格在VPR网页上. 资金决定是 基于可用资金,是VPR的特权.


  • 教员必须准备一份一页的四色文件,并附有插图 在访问期间提供给项目官员. 这份文件应该提交 在旅行前由副VPR (AVPR)审核.
  • 教员必须准备一份关于旅行的简短报告(大约一页) 提交之前的差旅费用报告将被处理. 报告应该描述 访问的目的和学到的东西.
  • 该报告应包括项目办公室/经理会议的联系信息 因此,VPR或AVPR可以在随后的机构访问中顺便来访,以加强您的访问 并表达大学对你工作的支持.

The VPR or AVPR is available to meet with faculty before travel to discuss the purpose 以及预定会议的计划.


Faculty members at the University of Southern Mississippi are evaluated on their respective 在教学、研究和服务方面的贡献. 新聘教师 成员将来自不同的背景,并可能提供启动资金 at an appropriate level in order to assist 和 expedite the development of an externally 资助研究/学术活动计划.  

Startup 基金 may be provided for new faculty members to purchase equipment 和 make other expenditures directly related to developing their research/scholarly activities 程序. This funding is not an automatic grant, nor should it be considered an unrestricted pool of 基金 but rather an account established 和 based specifically on the research/scholarly 活动 development needs of the new faculty member 和 the resources already available 在中学、学院和大学.


When formulating the amount of the startup fund, consideration will be given to the number 和 size of grants as well as the customary indirect cost recoveries generated 在提出请求的单位. 将为新教员申请启动资金 和 allocated on a case-by-case basis 和 startup packages will normally be negotiated 作为常规的新教员招聘程序的一部分.

When requesting startup 基金 from the 研究副总裁, please provide a description of the research or creative 活动 the new faculty member will bring 并附上预算和资金使用方式的说明. 还包括 likely sources of grant support, 和 please be as specific as possible (for example, 不仅仅是“国家科学基金会”,还包括一个具体的项目,部门, 或融资机会). 研究管理办公室可以提供协助 确定潜在的拨款支持来源.


学院启动指定(DE)帐户建立为期三年 预计所有资金将在两年内用完.  这个期望很重要, as the 基金 are provided to enable the new faculty member to establish a research 项目很快. VPR办公室将分配创业公司VPR部分的一半 基金 upon arrival of the faculty member at Southern Miss 和 the other half at the 第二会计年度开始. 如果不同的发行策略很重要 为满足新教员的研究需要,应向 的冲程体积.

The startup account will be closed 和 residual 基金 will revert to the designated 帐户(VPR和Dean),最初从这些帐户获得资金.  如果全部启动 基金 have not been expended by the end of the third year, a request for those 基金 可以向院长提出书面申请吗.  但是,延长时间的原因 必须引人注目.  如果延期,延期期间的所有费用 period will be paid from the Dean’s DE account; the startup DE account will not be 重新建立.


Startup funding is provided with the underst和ing that the new faculty member will 利用这些资源寻求外部支持. 也请注意接受 该奖项要求任何出版物(期刊文章,书籍等.),其他学者 或创意产品(网页、唱片、CD等.)、表现或结果 from the project must acknowledge the support of 九游会国际.  University patent 和 copyright regulations also apply to work resulting from startup 基金.

所有的大学政策和程序必须遵循启动和任何其他 资金来源(e ..g.(人力资源、采购、差旅、财务).

As part of the new faculty mentoring process, the Department Chair or other designated mentor is expected to monitor expenditures in the individual startup 基金 so that the 基金 are used in a timely fashion 和 in accord with the planned research 程序 在招聘时由教员描述.

During annual performance evaluations, each faculty member who has had access to startup 前一年的支持需要提供一份简短的报告,说明 他/她正在进行的研究项目的现状,其中应包括总结 of how the startup 基金 have been expended as well as document his/her efforts at 获得外部资金. 本报告并无特别格式规定 it should be included as part of the annual evaluation documentation each year until 启动资金支出完毕.  建议部门终身任职和晋升 委员会在第三次会议期间仔细审议这些年度报告的摘要 应向教员提供任期前的年度审查和适当的指导 作为任期前评估的一部分.


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